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Vimax Patch Reviews

The penis patch from VIMAX provides the safest and most reliable approach to achieving sexual virility, regardless of age. Whether it represents the ultimate solution to enlargement in penis size is no longer debatable.

What Manufacturer Claims

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The successes of the Vimax Penis Pills are contained in the penis patch. Over the past three years, numerous improvements have been made in the technologies used in developing these supplements, and Vimax has not tired in ensuring that the best gets to you. So how does it work? The herbal contents in the patch are designed to enhance the flow of blood to across the body, not just the penile tissues. However, the penis gets a richer supply, generating stronger and fuller erections, which last longer.

Active Ingredients Used In It

The active ingredients pass a safety and potency test before selection, and are purified and refined to enhance efficiency, including:
  • Epimedium Sagitum Extract
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginseng
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Cayenne fruit

Vital ingredients

Cayenne Fruit increases and normalizes blood circulation across the body. It has active ingredients which improve heart functions without adversely affecting blood pressure. Additionally, this ingredient functions to rebuild and repair body cells and combats fatigue. All these enhance sexual capabilities and increases opportunity to growth in the penis size. Ultimately, it makes the patch a suitable product at all ages.

Ginseng enhances the energy levels in the body, and acts as a revitalizing aphrodisiac. The direct effects on the mental and physical aspects of sexual potency results to athleticism and glandular enhancement. Just like Cayenne Fruit, this ingredient does not compromise blood pressure, and enhances growth of tissues in the nervous system. Ginsenoside influences blood supply to the brain and penis, helps in fertility and orgasm control, in addition to enhancing sexual potency.

Advantages of Product

  • Requires no surgery, pills and no pumps
  • Works purely as a sexual enhancer and accelerator for sexual stamina and libido
  • Improves the power of ejaculations and the pleasure from orgasms
  • Increase in length of penis up to 4 inches
  • Expansion of penile girth by up to 20%, in addition to enlargement
  • Effective in minimizing premature ejaculation!

Disadvantages of Product

  • Can precipitate cardiovascular conditions in individuals with pre-existing conditions
  • Reportedly affects moods and results to anxiety
  • Precipitates insomnia


The potency of Vimax Penis patches is beyond doubtful. However, it should only be used when extremely necessary. As a result, users should be above the age of 18. Excessive consumption of the patch has adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. As a result, the dosage is restricted to one patch in 3 days. Overdosing on the Vimax penis patch has adverse effects, which should be reported to medical practitioner immediately.


The most common retailers provide the 10 patch pack for slightly over BP 33. A trial period can be provided by the seller, depending on their offer. Normally, the patch is applied to the preferred part of the body, and is replaced after 3-days, representing a one-month supply.

Customer Reviews

A large proportion of the customers are however more elated to learn that the same ingredients in the pills are available as a patch. First, since the patch delivers the ingredients directly to the blood stream, faster results are achieved. The patch can also be concealed easily, unlike the pill. However, some customers have indicated that replacement of the pill after three is normally forgotten. Others decry the cost of the product, compared with others.

Expert Review

Penis enlargement and sexual virility are major concerns. The Vimax Penis Patch does not, in an unprecedented manner, with impressive results, and minimal side effects. The revolutionary patch delivered a wide range of options to users of the supplement, with all the existing benefits remaining unchanged. Sexual potency and penile enlargement are definitely bound to easier and safer to achieve.

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