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Obesity Increases the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

Obesity increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a new report by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). A healthy weight and not smoking reduces the risk of this cancer. In the Netherlands the disease annually by over 2,100 people discovered. The five year survival rate for this disease is on average around 4%.

The report is based on new findings from the Continuous Update Project. The scientific evidence for a link between obesity and pancreatic cancer is stronger than ever.

There are several ways in which excess body fat may affect cancer risk. Body fat affects the hormones in our body. Fat produces hormones that may accelerate the cancer process.

Obesity can also lead to inflammation, which can stimulate cell division. Faster cell division increases the risk of developing cancer.

According the latest data from the Continuous Update Project around 42% of Dutch people were considered overweight and 10% were categorized as obese in 2011. From this data about 46% of mean were overweight and 37% of women were overweight as well.

Professor Alan Jackson, chairman of the panel of scientific experts of the Continuous Update Project and Professor of Human Nutrition at the University of Southampton said, "This new report confirms that there is a strong link between obesity and pancreatic cancer."

"Pancreatic cancer is usually detected late, thus causing the low survival rate of this cancer. The good news from the report is that we can reduce risk of this disease by maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking. "

More Cases of Cancer Due to Obesity

Every year, an average of nineteen hundred people living in England develops cancer as a result of obesity. This is evident from recent study by the World Cancer Research Fund. That is a whopping 50% increase compared to the results of the same study performed one year earlier. The cause of this increase of cancer diagnosis is that the number of overweight people is still rising.

Obesity increases the risk of cancer by 17%. By excess body fat absorbs the production of the hormone estrogen and insulin and may contribute to the development of, for example breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer and uterine cancer.

The World Cancer Research Fund was shocked by the figures and called for action to proceed. Adults should be warned that it is important to maintain a healthy weight, which is a Body Mass Index of around 18.6 and 24.9. But again this also depends on other factors such as your height and race.

Scientists guess that around one third of the most usual cancers can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight and exercise enough.

This study again concludes that obesity and weight gain has various adverse effects to your health. Routine exercise and a healthy diet is the best solution to overcome this. Plus you can receive more information about this matter from experts such as clinical nutritionists and physicians.

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