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15 Minute Workouts

   For many men there are an array of excuses they will use to justify why they don’t work out or keep themselves in the shape that they perhaps should. Time is often cited as one of the primary reasons – as men become adults, their job will necessitate they don’t have as much free time as they did whilst they were students, and starting a family will similarly mean that any free time that becomes available is no longer exclusively their own. Cost is another excuse as men will often say they don’t have the spare cash to join a gym or buy exercise equipment for the home. Thankfully, it is actually easy to circumnavigate both of these problems by simply putting aside fifteen minutes every two days – something as simple as not pressing snooze on your alarm should cover it!

   The following exercises require only appropriate clothing, a pair of trainers and a pair of lightweight dumbbells to do and focus or improving tone across a number of muscle groups, primarily the core and abs, including those that are often neglected by men who think a workout simply entails lifting heavy weights to focus on the biceps and triceps.  It is suggested also that beginners should do each of these four exercises for fifteen reps and a day should be taken off in between doing sets of these. Those who work out more often can increase the intensity by adding additional sets and reps to their regime.

   The first exercise in the routine is called the squat press and can be challenging for beginners. The exercise begins with the individual stood upright with the back and spine kept as straight as possible, with feet placed roughly as wide apart as the shoulders. Whilst holding a dumbbell at both ends in front of your chest, the next step is to begin to bend the legs until the thighs become parallel with the floor; it is important here that the back is kept straight and, upon reaching squatting position, the straight back posture must be maintained so as to avoid injury. From here, slowly push the dumbbell out from your chest and then upwards until it is held aloft above your head. After a brief moment holding this position, begin to return the dumbbell back to the space in front of your chest and then straighten the legs until you are stood back in an upright position. Repeat this for fifteen steps to begin with but feel free to add extra reps and sets once you are used to this.

   The second, and potentially more difficult, exercise is a modified version of the classic press-up and begins with the exerciser in the same position as a traditional push-up. Hold the abs tight and keep the back straight whilst in this position and lift one leg off of the floor so it is roughly in a straight line with your back. This is the new position to conduct push-ups in; with the body’s weight distributed over three points rather than four which, in turn, increases the intensity and hardship to a large degree. Once fifteen reps have been done with one leg in the air, swap which leg is held off the ground and complete fifteen more reps.

   Lunging with a lateral rise is the third exercise and is pretty self-explanatory. This requires the exerciser to hold both of their dumbbells in his hands and begins in a standing position. From here, take one step forward whilst keeping the hind leg still. With the weights kept by your side, dip your front leg so that the thigh is parallel to the ground, and bend your hind legs knees so that your shin dips towards the ground. From this position, lift the dumbbells upwards so that both of your arms run parallel to each other in a straight line across the shoulder and hold this position for a few seconds. After returning to the starting position, conduct another fourteen repetitions of this on the same leading foot and then repeat the exercise by swapping which of your legs is to become the trailing leg.

   The final exercise, perhaps the most difficult, is called the single leg bent over-row; it will again require both dumbbells, this time held in an underhand fashion. Lifting one leg off the floor, bend the other one at the knee and hold this position. Once balance has been established, bend forward at the hips so that the torso becomes as straight as possible with the weights close to your ankles. From here, begun to pull the dumbbells back towards your chest; this should cause the shoulder blades to pull together. After this, return to the starting position and repeat this fifteen times.

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